LetsMove.com – a Golazo venture

LetsMove.com – a Golazo venture
What they wanted

Golazo is (one of) Europe's largest organizer(s) of recreational running and cycling events. The growing popularity of mobile apps and sport tech as well as the direct consequences of COVID-19 urged Golazo to develop a digital platform that bundles all its products and services in one place, and combine it with complementary offerings from partners. This platform – called LetsMove.com – aims to become the online destination for a healthy lifestyle.

What they said

With their deep understanding of digital, and their ability to not only strategize, but also get it done, SparkOptimus has been instrumental in bringing LetsMove.com to life.

Kristof de Smet
CEO LetsMove.com
What we did

We started with a two-day workshop in which we ideated initiatives to lay the foundation of the LetsMove.com platform, including short-term revenue driving initiatives to supplement the platform's offering during COVI D. This was followed by a series of weekly iterations with Golazo's leadership in which we scrutinized the platform's vision & strategy, and selected the tech solution & development partner. Then, we assembled the founding team & kickstarted the platform build.

LetsMove.com – a Golazo venture

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What we achieved

In less than three months, we brought LetsMove.com from plan to go-live with a scalable technology solution & dedicated team. Letsmove.com has now generated the first digital revenues by facilitating virtual events in the absence of physical events, and serves as a solid foundation to accelerate growth into the future with offerings from both Golazo as well as LetsMove.com partners.

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