E-commerce strategy overhaul and building operational excellence

Emesa (VakantieVeilingen.nl) had been growing at a tremendous pace over the last few years. Leaving the start-up years behind, the shareholder and its management felt a new level of strategic focus and professionalization of its structure and processes was key to ignite the next phase of significant growth.
The impact of SparkOptimus on Emesa has been exceptional; they have a perfect combination of the highest quality people, in-depth expertise in digital business, and a pragmatic and operational approach that drives direct results
SparkOptimus helped Emesa compile and prioritize growth ideas into a coherent and focused growth strategy, balancing innovative high risk/high growth ideas with low risk operational excellence and expansion initiatives, which solidified the operation and delivered immediate EBITDA growth to fuel the next phase of entrepreneurship. We introduced best-practice processes, new capabilities, and an adapted organizational structure needed to deliver this growth strategy. We led the operationalization in the first months to keep maximum momentum, whilst transferring skills and ownership in the process.
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Emesa experienced a huge upgrade in operational excellence and overall professionalization of its organization with immediate and significant impact on business results, while our involvement continued. The organization has regained razor sharp focus on what it takes to grow exponentially and sustainably in the coming years.
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