Digitally serving insurance needs of consumers and businesses

ABN AMRO Verzekeringen (AAV) is a joint venture of ABN AMRO Bank (AAB) and Nationale Nederlanden (NN). AAV is dedicated to serving the insurance needs of AAB customers (businesses and consumers) and has a unique position in the market as both an insurer and a broker. Foreseeing rapid changes in the market, AAV asked SparkOptimus to help redefine its strategic position to achieve sustainable customer growth in the future.
SparkOptimus was able to support us in all aspects of the transformation. With their expertise, pragmatism, and enthusiasm, they laid the groundwork for commercial effectiveness in the future.
We re-envisioned AAV’s customer propositions and formulated a 3-year roadmap and supporting business case. Next, we kickstarted the transformation of the commercial teams by running the transformation program, assisting with specific growth initiatives, supporting with selection and development of a new technology platform, shaping the change management communications strategy, and building on-the-ground capabilities. Finally, based on lessons learned while working across all layers in the organization, we helped to define the future-proof organization model and way of working and handed-over the ongoing transformation fully to the AAV team.
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By supporting both on a strategic and operational level, we enabled AAV to successfully kickstart selected growth initiatives towards the vision while building a future-proof commercial organization, way of working, and technology capability. This foundation will allow AAV to continue to work towards the vision and timely grasp commercial opportunities presented by new developments in customer needs and the wider market.
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