Annet Aris
Board of Recommendation
Annet Aris received her MSc. from the University of Wageningen, after which she went on to complete her MBA from INSEAD with distinction. Thereafter she worked for McKinsey & Company in various countries from 1985 to 2003. Since 2003 Annet has been Adjunct Professor of Strategy at INSEAD. She was nominated for the ‘best teacher’ Award by the MBA students in 2010 and 2011. From 2008 - 2011 Annet was on the Board of the OPTA.She has also written the book “Managing Media Companies, Harnessing Creative Value” (Wiley’s 2009, second edition) together with Jacques Bughin. Annet holds a Board member position at ASR Nederland NV, Kabel Deutschland AG, Sanoma Group, Jungheinrich AG, and Tomorrow-Focus AG. In addition, on top of being a member of the Advisory Board of the MBC Group in Dubai, she holds positions on the Boards of the Foundation “Sound and Vision” and the Volkskrant Foundation, both in The Netherlands.

Annet Aris