What impact does my donation have?

What impact does my donation have?
SparkOptimus Team
Written by
The SparkOptimus Blog Team
January 21, 2019

The donor journey at SOS Kinderdorpen

Digital is changing. Or as we like to call it, disrupting. Affecting all sectors, including the not-for-profit sector. Consumers are changing the ways in which they consume, and similarly, donors are changing the ways in which they choose to give. Digital provides opportunities throughout the entire donor journey, inspiring the donor to find new creative or simple ways to donate. One such example is the use of Tikkie to donate to Giro555 with just one click.

SOS Kinderdorpen (SOSK) appreciates that digital plays an important role in its future, and as such has embarked on a digital transformation. SOSK is a charity currently helping 3.8 million children in need around the world. It provides safety and love to these children by supplying health centres and villages with provisions. The charity believes that every child should have the chance to grow up in a loving family and a safe environment, no matter their background, religion or culture.

SparkOptimus is currently supporting SOSK with its digital transformation. We are helping the cause define its commercial initiatives, as well as the impact these initiatives have on the organisation and technology. In short: helping SOSK prepare for the future. Together, through interactive workshops, we are addressing the key questions we usually ask all our clients: what are your donors’ needs? And which barriers do they face?

From the multiple workshops we have held, we can conclude that donors have increasing expectations across their donor journey, driven by forerunners in other industries. For example, Amazon offers reviews on every product it sells – complete transparency on product ratings and pricing. As a result, the donor now expects the same transparency whenever they make a donation. Where exactly does my money go? What impact does my donation have? New creative commercial initiatives – made possible by technology – facilitate the donor journey. Helping SOSK to establish the right support framework and put the right technology in place will lead the charity to success.

It is very inspiring to see the opportunities technology has to offer not-for-profit organizations such as SOSK, who can really make a social global impact.

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