Welcome to the team!

Welcome to the team!
SparkOptimus Team
Written by
The SparkOptimus Blog Team
July 1, 2021


Lianne studied Economics and International Relations at Amsterdam University College. After her bachelor studies, she worked in impact investing in Zürich, the Philippines and South Africa.

Lianne then moved to London to complete a Master’s degree in Management at University College London, focusing on innovation and transformation.

I believe digital can be a force for good for companies as well as for wider society. It’s exciting to be part of this constantly changing journey with our clients and to learn new things on a daily basis!


After completing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management, Gregor graduated with a Master’s double degree in CEMS International Management and Business Innovation at the University of St. Gallen.

Gregor joins the Swiss office in Zürich, building on his experience founding several student programmes and working for an AI-startup based in Berlin.

“Working at SparkOptimus is a dream come true. My job combines the exciting world of consulting with the latest digital developments and at the same time helping to build up the new Swiss office.”


Lennard joins the German office in Düsseldorf. He gained experience in digital transformation while working at a global business travel company and during prior work as a consultant.

Lennard holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business from Maastricht University and a Master’s degree in Management from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

“At SparkOptimus, we have the great opportunity to work with brightest people to expand the digital maturity of companies by combining innovative strategies with an entrepreneurial mindset – so they can ultimately serve their customers better.”


Rutger completed a Bachelor’s degree in Econometrics & Operational Research and is now following the Master Quantitative Marketing & Business Analytics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.​

During his internship at an e-commerce company, Rutger researched the influence of discounts on customer acquisition and retention.​


Karrar joins the office in Amsterdam as a concierge. He came to the Netherlands in 2015 after growing up in a family of seven and living in Diwaniya, a city in Iraq. Later, Karrar studied Technology at the Diwaniyah Technical Institute.

During the weekday, Karrar enjoys taking care of his SparkOptimus colleagues as a concierge in the Amsterdam office. In the evenings and weekends, he studies web development.

“What I appreciate in SparkOptimus is the kindness of my colleagues and the fun moments we are having together.”

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