We are really proud to be No. 1 in E-business Services for the third time!

We are really proud to be No. 1 in E-business Services for the third time!
SparkOptimus Team
Written by
The SparkOptimus Blog Team
April 8, 2019

A big thanks to all our great clients and our amazing team who made this happen. Ranking first again in the category ‘Consultants E-business Services’ is a great honor that we are very excited about!

We are especially proud of topping this list because it was compiled by independent research agency Motivaction based on interviews with Dutch decision-makers on suppliers of e-business and marketing services.

This title is further proof that our pragmatic and ‘getting it done’ approach to digital transformation and disruption is widely recognized.

How do we plan to retain the title this coming year? Well, by continuing to expand our ‘thought and how-to leadership on digital transformation and disruption’ of course! Continue to serve our clients, working side by side to make disruption work. Share our experience widely with masterclasses, books and contributions at leading business schools, global companies and events and…the opening of SparkOptimus offices abroad! All with just one aim: to make disruption work for you. Here and far, far beyond!

Read the full Emerce100 interview with SparkOptimus’ founding managing partners Alexandra Jankovich and Tom Voskes here

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