The next step on our journey towards net-zero

The next step on our journey towards net-zero
SparkOptimus Team
Written by
The SparkOptimus Blog Team
September 9, 2022

At SparkOptimus, we work towards ensuring a neutral or positive sustainability impact in both our client work and internal operations.

We recognize that carbon offsetting is an important step along the journey to net-zero emissions. For this reason, in addition to continuously reducing our carbon footprint, we have committed ourselves to offset our emissions.

What is a carbon offset?

Carbon offset means activity that compensates for the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) or other greenhouse gases (measured in carbon dioxide equivalents [CO2e]) by providing for an emission reduction elsewhere.

Carbon offset schemes allow individuals and companies to invest in environmental projects around the world in order to balance out their own carbon footprints. Revenue generated from the purchase of carbon offsets is usually invested in environmentally friendly projects, like supporting community development, protecting ecosystems or installing efficient technology to reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere.

Who to do this with?

To select the best organization to partner with, we developed a set of criteria, among which are:

  • B Corp Certification: our partner should be a Certified B Corp, meeting the highest standards of social & environmental performance
  • Partners’ fee minimization: our partner should devolve the highest share of funds possible to finance the offsetting project
  • High quality standards: the project(s) offered by our partner should be certified under recognized, rigorous national and international standards
  • Permanence: the project(s) should provide long-term or permanent benefits
  • Connection to values: the project(s) goal & characteristics should be connected to SparkOptimus’ values

We are excited to share we have decided to offset our carbon emissions with Clear!

Clear’s mission is to use technology & innovation to empower individuals and organizations to easily take environmental action now. They have 15+ years experience in the voluntary carbon offset market with QAS-certified offsets, and have been recognized as one of the “Best for the World” B Corps of 2022. Their projects range from providing poor rural families with energy-efficient cookstoves to providing renewable energy through gas capture.

We are eager to start our carbon offset journey with Clear!

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